Dr. Alan Hopkins'

Lab and Learn Masterclass

A Functional Medicine Toolbox

Are you ready to tap into the rapidly expanding advanced lab testing industry, grow a successful practice, boost referrals, and make a greater impact on your clients' lives?

The Lab and Learn Masterclass Includes:

Over 10 Hours of In Depth Training
60 Lab Tests to Optimize Your Health
On-demand Access to Group Lab Panel Review
Done-For-You Lab Cheat Sheets
Premium Affiliate Rate

Choose The Best Option For You:

One Payment Of


*Please note that you’ll receive access to the education, cheat sheets, and all education modules only after your payment had successfully posted.

Three Monthly Payments Of


*Please note that you’ll receive access to the education and cheat sheets after the first payment. You will receive your lab requisition following your third payment.

 Dear Health and Wellness Leader,

I'm Dr. Alan Hopkins, the CEO of YourLabWork.com and an assistant clinical professor at one of the leading medical schools in the nation. 

   I have an incredible opportunity that I want to share with you today. But first, a question…

If I could provide you with the education and tools that would help you transform your life and the life of people you serve...would you be interested in learning more?

If yes, keep reading...because the world needs more people like you.

As a wellness warrior, you’re well aware of some alarming statistics, such as… 

  •  More than 100 million U.S. adults are now living with diabetes or prediabetes.
  • An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease and up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.
  • Autoimmune diseases are among the most prevalent diseases in the U.S., affecting between 14.7 and 23.5 million people.
  • More than 133 million Americans, or 45 percent of the population, have at least one chronic condition. 

 And you want to be at the forefront of our nation’s health crisis, fighting the battle to help more people live better.

Maybe you’re already doing an amazing job of it and are realizing incredible results.

But what if I told you there is a way you could do more?

Did you know that advanced lab testing is an often overlooked piece of the wellness puzzle?

Advanced lab testing:
  • Can alert us to potential health issues long before be have symptoms
  • Empowers people to become their own health detectives
  • Can identify weaknesses in one’s pursuit of optimal wellness
  • Gives a unique opportunity to implement specific lifestyle adjustments to optimize 
  •  And is a really great way for you to track the progress you are making towards wellness goals 
Moreover, advanced lab testing unlocks key pieces of biological data that regular insurance-approved lab testing does not.

And often, this important data is the missing link that could help so many overcome significant health issues and reach optimal wellness.

For example, let’s consider the standard insurance-approved lipid test.

Would you believe me if I told you that, in about 50% of the cases I’ve seen as an ER doctor, those patients who’ve ended up having a heart attack had “normal” results on these cholesterol tests?

Here’s why.

A basic lipid panel only gives you insight into whether your LDL levels are elevated.

It fails to tell you two key things:
1. The type of LDL cholesterol molecules you have (small, medium, large)

2. And whether you have the genetic and very dangerous LDL cholesterol particle, LP(a) which, when elevated, can put a person at a serious risk for heart attack or stroke
Let’s assume that I have a patient who comes to me with the results of a basic lipid panel. His LDL is at 106 (optimal range is under 100).

I tell him he’s in good shape, but that he may want to cut back on the carbs to lower his levels a bit.

He goes on with his day, not realizing that although his LDL levels are fine:
1. He actually has elevated levels of LDL small (very dense and dangerous)

2. And he also has LP(a)
A few months later, he suffers a heart attack that could have been avoided had he had more thorough testing done.

That’s the power of advanced lab testing.

Out of the 1.2 million heart attacks in the US, 120K are thought to be due to elevated LP(a) as the only risk factor. 

The trainer for NBC’s Biggest Loser had a heart attack at age 51, despite being in, what most would deem, the best shape of his life. When tested, it was found that he had significantly elevated levels of LP(a).

And if you are a health coach (or want to study to be one)...are you starting to see the value of sharing this resource with your clients?

It makes perfect sense, right?

By developing a comprehensive understanding of advanced lab testing, you’re able to empower your clients to become investigators of their own health and in turn, your business flourishes.

Here’s the problem:

Most clients: 

  • aren’t aware of the direct-access lab testing option
  • don’t understand how advanced lab testing can give them much more insight into their health 
  • put all of their trust in their practitioner rather than taking control of their health
  • if they are aware of advanced lab testing, don’t realize how inexpensive it can be compared to going through insurance (many of our customers save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on lab costs)

Most health coaches:

  • want a greater understanding of direct-access lab testing and its significance
  • would like to confidently help their clients navigate the testing
  • want to know how to direct clients to this valuable resource
  • would like to understand how to prepare their clients to discuss their lab results with their provider.
We’re here to offer education and access.

We’re HUGE advocates of the health coaching industry and very aware of the important role that you play in the health of our population.

Therefore, we’re committed to helping more health coaches and wellness experts become more knowledgeable of lab testing so they can serve their clients on a deeper level and play a key role in the preventative wellness initiative.

Here’s how we’re making this a reality...


The Lab Masterclass

The only program of its kind that was specifically created to help you, the health and wellness leader, evolve into an expert on lab testing while also getting the opportunity to dig into and optimize your own health.
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In the medical community, our philosophy is “See one, do one, teach one.”

If you were learning how to do a spinal tap, you’d watch an expert do it, do it yourself and then teach another person to do it.

I believe the same should hold true when it comes to lab testing.

If you want to gain expertise in advanced lab testing, you must learn from an expert (in this case, me), experience the lab testing process yourself by ordering and learning from your own labs, and then teach their clients how to do this for themselves.

This core principle is why I created the Lab Masterclass.

By the end of the program, you’ll: 

  • Develop a thorough understanding of key health biomarkers, advanced lab testing, and the data the advanced lab testing can unlock
  •  Learn how to understand your own results and the natural steps you can take to optimize your own health 
  •  Be able to confidently prepare your clients to discuss their lab results with their provider
  •  Understand how you can help your clients naturally improve their data and optimize their health
  • With our support, education, and resources, you’ll be able to tap into one of the fastest-growing industries that’s expected to exceed $8.86 billion by 2031.
For health coaches who are truly serious about growing their business, now is the time to start learning about and sharing this resource with their clients.

What's Inside

The Lab Masterclass is made up of five modules with multiple lessons within each module. Each module deep dives into one of the 5 pillars of aging well. There are over 10 hours of training total.

By the end of this program, you’ll understand your own lab tests and be able to confidently share this resource with your clients.

 Module 1: Cholesterol

(16 Lessons)
Remember when avoiding high cholesterol was all the rage? When physicians were telling everyone to eat low-fat diets so we could lower cholesterol? 
Well, while it's true that nutrition can lower our bad cholesterol by as much as 30%, the way we produce and store cholesterol is largely genetic.

Traditionally, we have used the fasting lipid panel to measure cholesterol. Now that technology has advanced, we are now able to measure cholesterol molecules in a much different way.

The results of which give us a more accurate reflection of how to identify and treat those who might be at risk for vascular aging.

This is important because nearly 50% of patients with an acute coronary syndrome or myocardial infarction showed normal plasma values of cholesterol, LDL and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).

By the end of this module, here is some of what you’ll be expected to understand:

This module will explore the history of cholesterol, discuss the cholesterol myth and make advanced cholesterol testing easy and fun to understand!
  • The history of the fasting lipid panel and why the advanced lipid panel is a much more effective way to measure vascular health
  •  The importance of lipoprotein (a), why it’s the most dangerous particle when it comes to heart disease, why your clients are unaware that they may have it, and what protocols should be implemented once your client discovers they have lipoprotein (a)
  •  Important considerations when preparing your clients to review the advanced lipid panel results with their provider
  •  The significance of pattern types of LDL and how LDL subclasses can indicate an increased risk of developing vascular disease
  •  HDL cholesterol and its role, as well as recommended strategies for increasing HDL Large
  •  What Apolipoprotein B100 and Apolipoprotein A1 are and why they’re so important to understand
  •  Natural interventions to improve advanced lipid test results
  •  How to identify high-risk clients and tips for moving forward with them

Module 2: Inflammation

(9 Lessons)
It is now thought that inflammation is at the core of every chronic disease.

One biomarker, in particular, called high sensitivity-CRP has proven to be a remarkable predictor of risk.

With increasing levels of CRP, we see an increased risk of developing metabolic disturbance, heart disease, autoimmune disease, and even cancer.

Detecting the presence of chronic inflammation in otherwise asymptomatic and apparently healthy people has enormous benefits.

By the end of this module, here is some of what you’ll be expected to understand:

  • The key drivers of inflammation
  • Why we measure hs-CRP and the danger of chronic hs-CRP elevation
  • Natural treatment strategies to reduce hs-CRP
  • Why we measure homocysteine and when elevated, its association with Alzheimer's, early heart disease, and stroke. 
  • The methylation pathway and its importance for your clients
  • Natural strategies for lowering homocysteine levels
  • How to screen your clients for risk of gout
  • How to screen your clients with chronic pain for autoimmune muscle disease using total CK
  • What thyroid peroxidase antibodies are and why they’re important to understand
  • How to lower inflammation levels naturally
  • Bonus Tool: Educate your clients on how to eat a low-purine diet for relief of gout and kidney stones with our Low-Purine Diet Info Sheet!

Module 2: Inflammation

(9 Lessons)
It is now thought that inflammation is at the core of every chronic disease.

One biomarker, in particular, called high sensitivity-CRP has proven to be a remarkable predictor of risk.

With increasing levels of CRP, we see an increased risk of developing metabolic disturbance, heart disease, autoimmune disease, and even cancer.

Detecting the presence of chronic inflammation in otherwise asymptomatic and apparently healthy people has enormous benefits.

By the end of this module, here is some of what you’ll be expected to understand:

  • The key drivers of inflammation
  • Why we measure hs-CRP and the danger of chronic hs-CRP elevation
  • Natural treatment strategies to reduce hs-CRP
  • Why we measure homocysteine and when elevated, its association with Alzheimer's, early heart disease, and stroke. 
  • The methylation pathway and its importance for your clients
  •  Natural strategies for lowering homocysteine levels
  • How to screen your clients for risk of gout
  • How to screen your clients with chronic pain for autoimmune muscle disease using total CK
  • What thyroid peroxidase antibodies are and why they’re important to understand
  • How to lower inflammation levels naturally
  • Bonus Tool: Educate your clients on how to eat a low-purine diet for relief of gout and kidney stones with our Low-Purine Diet Info Sheet!

Module 3: Nutrients

(11 Lessons)
Nutrients are essential for optimal health, yet nutrient deficiencies are far too common.

With an understanding of advanced nutrient lab testing, you can help your clients figure out whether they have one or many nutrient deficiencies and what adjustments they should discuss with their provider to bring their health back into balance.

By the end of this module, here is some of what you’ll be expected to understand:

  •   The importance of micronutrients (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Serum Folate, Serum Ferritin, Calcium, and Magnesium) and their function in the body
  • Optimal levels of important vitamins
  • Common nutrient deficiencies 
  • Why nutrient deficiencies are so common
  • Natural interventions that can be used to improve nutrient levels 

Module 4: Hormones

(11 Lessons)
Hormones are so important to our well-being, yet, even common hormone problems are often missed.

Take, for example, the all-important thyroid and adrenal glands. If they are not properly evaluated by a physician, we miss a huge opportunity to advocate for our clients to feel better.

During this module, we are going to take a deep dive into thyroid, adrenal, male and female sex hormones, and common patterns seen in diagnostic laboratory testing.

By the end of this module, here is some of what you’ll be expected to understand:

  • What the thyroid biomarkers are and their optimal ranges
  • Why TSH by itself may not good enough to measure thyroid levels
  • What Reverse T3 is and why it’s so important
  • The importance of measuring AM cortisol
  • The normal pattern of cortisol release
  • Common reasons why AM cortisol is inappropriately low
  • Why we administer the Berlin and Epworth Questionnaires when AM Cortisol is low
  • Bonus Tool: Help your clients understand how their body is using thyroid hormones with the Thyroid Function Evaluation 
  • Bonus Tool: Learn how to screen your clients for obstructive sleep apnea with the Berlin and Epworth Questionnaire & Sleepiness Scale
  • All about hormones - Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Testosterone, Estradiol, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Adiponectin, and Leptin
  • Why testosterone is so important, how to read testosterone levels, and the symptoms of testosterone deficiency
  • Types of female hormone imbalances
  • All about fat hormones and what they can tell us
  • Why belly fat behaves differently from subcutaneous fat and what this means for a client
  • General recommendations for optimizing fat hormones
  •  Bonus Tool: Help your clients evaluate stress levels with our Stress Assessment 
  •  Bonus Tool: A diagram of the normal release pattern of cortisol which can be used for reference during 4 point saliva testing or AM cortisol testing

Module 4: Hormones

(11 Lessons)
Hormones are so important to our well-being, yet, even common hormone problems are often missed.

Take, for example, the all-important thyroid and adrenal glands. If they are not properly evaluated by a physician, we miss a huge opportunity to advocate for our clients to feel better.

During this module, we are going to take a deep dive into thyroid, adrenal, male and female sex hormones, and common patterns seen in diagnostic laboratory testing.

By the end of this module, here is some of what you’ll be expected to understand:

  • What the thyroid biomarkers are and their optimal ranges
  • Why TSH by itself may not good enough to measure thyroid levels
  • What Reverse T3 is and why it’s so important
  • The importance of measuring AM cortisol
  • The normal pattern of cortisol release
  • Common reasons why AM cortisol is inappropriately low
  • Why we administer the Berlin and Epworth Questionnaires when AM Cortisol is low
  • Bonus Tool: Help your clients understand how their body is using thyroid hormones with the Thyroid Function Evaluation 
  • Bonus Tool: Learn how to screen your clients for obstructive sleep apnea with the Berlin and Epworth Questionnaire & Sleepiness Scale
  • All about hormones - Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Testosterone, Estradiol, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Adiponectin, and Leptin
  • Why testosterone is so important, how to read testosterone levels, and the symptoms of testosterone deficiency
  • Types of female hormone imbalances
  • All about fat hormones and what they can tell us
  • Why belly fat behaves differently from subcutaneous fat and what this means for a client
  • General recommendations for optimizing fat hormones
  •  Bonus Tool: Help your clients evaluate stress levels with our Stress Assessment 
  •  Bonus Tool: A diagram of the normal release pattern of cortisol which can be used for reference during 4 point saliva testing or AM cortisol testing

Module 5: Metabolism

(10 Lessons)
Did you know that there are more diabetics now than ever before?

There are 29 million Type 2 diabetics in the US and 86 million pre-diabetics in the US.

The worst part is that 90% of people don’t know they have prediabetes because they have no symptoms.

With pre-diabetes, you have an increased risk of developing cancer as well as early stroke and heart attack.

The good news is that it’s much easier to reverse prediabetes than diabetes, and with a thorough understanding of the metabolism panel, you can give your clients key insight into whether they’re at risk for prediabetes, or have prediabetes without even realizing it.

By the end of this module, here is some of what you’ll be expected to understand:

  • The continuum of insulin resistance syndrome to diabetes
  • The science of insulin resistance
  • Traditional biomarkers used to detect sugar problems
  • The complications of sugar problems
  • How to recognize the possibility of insulin resistance syndrome
  • Bonus Tool: Educate your clients on how to improve their eating habits with our Eat the Rainbow PDF
  • How insulin resistance can interfere with weight loss goals
  • New biomarkers for predicting diabetes
  • How you can help with the epidemic of prediabetes
  • All about the comprehensive metabolic panel 
  •  Advanced tips for optimizing the thyroid 
  • Bonus Tool: Help your clients calculate their risk of diabetes with the San Antonio Diabetes Prediction Model

Lab and Learn

"See One, Do One, Teach One"

60 Lab Tests to Optimize Your Health

As a Premium Lab Masterclass student, you’ll also get our most comprehensive lab panel that includes 60 lab tests.

This panel will give you invaluable insight into your body, show you exactly where you need to improve and tell you what areas you’re doing really well with.

The results will also alert you to any serious health concerns you need to discuss with your integrative physician before they cause bigger issues.
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Here’s everything that’s measured in your blood tests:

Hormone Health

This test measures TSH, free T3, free T4, thyroid peroxidase antibodies, cortisol, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, estradiol, progesterone, total testosterone, free testosterone, bioavailable testosterone, and sex hormone binding globulin.

Why this panel is important:

  • According to the American Thyroid Association, 20 million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid disease. Up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition. Our labs will unlock this data.
  •  You’ll get a comprehensive picture of your hormone health, including a measure of the proteins that bind to your hormones.
  •  You’ll learn which, if any, hormones are out of balance. Abnormal hormone levels can negatively affect every cell and system in your body.
  • We’ll measure your cortisol, which is an important steroid hormone that regulates numerous systems including your response to infection and inflammation, blood sugar, and bone metabolism. 

Why this panel is important:

  • The measurement of fasting insulin will give you insight into how well your metabolism is working. 
  •  High fasting insulin is an under-diagnosed condition that can lead to weight gain and ultimately, diabetes.
  •  This panel also evaluates your liver, kidney, electrolytes and blood sugars. All are important components of a healthy metabolic system.


This test measures fasting insulin, fasting glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (liver and kidney function, electrolytes and protein stores), red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.


This test measures fasting insulin, fasting glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (liver and kidney function, electrolytes and protein stores), red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Why this panel is important:

  • The measurement of fasting insulin will give you insight into how well your metabolism is working. 
  •  High fasting insulin is an under-diagnosed condition that can lead to weight gain and ultimately, diabetes.
  •  This panel also evaluates your liver, kidney, electrolytes and blood sugars. All are important components of a healthy metabolic system.


This test measures Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), LDL Particle Number, LDL Small and Medium, LDL Peak Size, LDL Pattern, Lipoprotein (a) and HDL Large.

Why this panel is important:

  • This is an advanced cholesterol screening that I highly recommend everyone has done at least once (especially if you have heart disease or stroke in your family). 
  •  We screen for the genetic risk of Lipoprotein A which is the most dangerous LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) marker we can measure that has been shown to accelerate vascular aging.
  •  This test can also reveal the type of bad cholesterol you carry. Is it the smaller, denser type (called Pattern B), or is it the more favorable, larger, and buoyant LDL cholesterol (called Pattern A)? Pattern B is found universally in people who have sugar problems.
  • Get insight into whether you have the best subtypes of good cholesterol – the ones that are the most efficient at removing all the bad cholesterol in our blood vessels.

Why this panel is important:

  • High-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) is one of the major markers of inflammation. 
  •   Researchers now believe that inflammation is at the root cause of many diseases. 
  •   People that have high levels of inflammation for a period of years are at a higher risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke, and autoimmune diseases.
  • Creatinine kinase is a breakdown product of muscle and when elevated, may pose a serious health concern.


This test measures hs-CRP (high sensitivity CRP), homocysteine, Total CK (creatine kinase), and uric acid.


This test measures hs-CRP (high sensitivity CRP), homocysteine, Total CK (creatine kinase), and uric acid.

Why this panel is important:

  • High-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) is one of the major markers of inflammation. 
  •   Researchers now believe that inflammation is at the root cause of many diseases. 
  •   People that have high levels of inflammation for a period of years are at a higher risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke, and autoimmune diseases.
  • Creatinine kinase is a breakdown product of muscle and when elevated, may pose a serious health concern.


This test measures Serum ferritin, Omega 3 index, Omega 3 Ratio, RBC Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and serum folate (Vitamin B9).

Why this panel is important:

  • Nearly 70% of people are deficient in Vitamin D and evidence suggests an optimal Vitamin D level may lower the incidence of cancer, autoimmune disease, depression, and blood pressure. 
  •  If your Vitamin D level is in excess of 100, you may be more likely to develop kidney stones 
  •  Vitamin B12 is an especially important vitamin for maintaining healthy nerve cells and it helps in the production of DNA and RNA, the body's genetic material.
  • Vitamin B12 works closely with vitamin B9, also called folate or folic acid, to help make red blood cells and to help iron work better in the body. 
  • Low levels of B12 can cause a range of symptoms including fatigue, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nervousness, numbness, or tingling sensation in the fingers and toes. It may also cause elevated levels of homocysteine, neurological symptoms, depression, and is associated with pernicious anemia.
  • Severe deficiency of B12 causes nerve damage.

Plus Get Access To These BONUS Premium Tools!

 Bonus #1 

 Done-For-You Lab Cheat Sheets 

$249 Value
Wouldn’t it be nice if, after your client gets their labs drawn, you’re able to pull out a set of optimal lab value cheat sheets and safely walk your clients through optimal functional medicine ranges to discuss with their provider?
As a student in the Lab Masterclass, you’ll get access to the same downloadable cheat sheets Dr. Alan uses with his patients.

Confidently walk your clients through Dr. Alan’s description of each individual biomarker and its importance, his functional medicine “optimal” ranges, and his key strategies for naturally improving each specific biomarker.

There are 5 biomarker sheets that mirror his 5 pillars of health - Hormones, Advanced Cholesterol Testing, Inflammation, Nutrients, and Metabolism.

Your clients will be floored by this resource!

These cheat sheets are a highly sought-after goldmine of information and could easily sell for $500 - they are included as part of the Lab Masterclass!

You’ll also get free access to all cheat sheets updates when Dr. Alan decides to add biomarkers or when he incorporates new research and strategies to improve an existing biomarker!

 Bonus #2 

 Custom Landing Page On YourLabwork.com 

$299 Value
Instantly boost your credibility with your own premium landing page on our site, just like celebrity influencers, JJ Virgin and Dr. Kellyann Petrucci!

When you send your clients to us for lab testing through your own custom landing page, you'll be giving your clients the access they need to life-changing information.

 Bonus #2 

 Custom Landing Page On YourLabwork.com 

$299 Value
Instantly boost your credibility with your own premium landing page on our site, just like celebrity influencers, JJ Virgin and Dr. Kellyann Petrucci!

When you send your clients to us for lab testing through your own custom landing page, you'll be giving your clients the access they need to life-changing information.

 Supplemental Resource #1 

 Access To On-Demand Recorded Group Lab Review With Dr. Alan 

$400 Value
What’s better than taking a deep dive into your health with 60 lab tests?

As a student in the Lab Masterclass, you’ll get access to an on-demand 90-minute group lab review with Dr. Alan and other students where he reviews individual biomarkers making up the 5 Pillars of Aging Well.

 Supplemental Resource #2 

 Preferred Affiliate Rate 

As a student in our Lab Masterclass, you will receive our preferred affiliate rate.

This means you’ll add even more money to your pocket when you refer your clients to us for their advanced lab testing. And the best news, there is no additional cost for your clients should they use your affiliate link!

You will have access to all of our affiliate resources which include done-for-you email scripts, testimonials and a brochure by Dr. Alan on the critical tests that encompass his 5 pillars of Aging Well.

We also have an introductory $20 coupon code that you can share as a bonus to each one of your clients just for using your affiliate link.

 Supplemental Resource #2 

Preferred Affiliate Rate 

As a student in our Lab Masterclass, you will receive our preferred affiliate rate.

This means you’ll add even more money to your pocket when you refer your clients to us for their advanced lab testing. And the best news, there is no additional cost for your clients should they use your affiliate link!

You will have access to all of our affiliate resources which include done-for-you email scripts, testimonials and a brochure by Dr. Alan on the critical tests that encompass his 5 pillars of Aging Well.

We also have an introductory $20 coupon code that you can share as a bonus to each one of your clients just for using your affiliate link.

Kristi's Story

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Kristi is one of our health coach partners who took advantage of our Lab Masterclass for Health Coaches.

She invested in the program because, like our other health coaches, she wanted to explore and optimize her own health and learn from her own lab tests before helping her clients navigate their labs.

That choice proved to be one of the better decisions she’s made for both her health and business. Here’s why.

After Receiving Her Lab Results Back, Kristi Found Out That She Has Lp(A), The Most Dangerous LDL-Cholesterol (Bad Cholesterol) Marker We Can Measure.

Extensive studies have identified Lp(a) as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke.

It’s also an inherited genetic pattern, meaning that if a parent has it, there’s a 50% chance they will pass it onto their children. Kristi also found out that despite her healthy lifestyle, she was low in two vital nutrients, Vitamin D and Magnesium. Armed with this important data, she was able to make certain lifestyle adjustments to improve her levels and minimize any potential issues.

“I hadn’t had any lab work in several years,” Kristi said. “So I was thrilled to be able to get the full transformation panel through YourLabwork.com and have access to all of Dr. Alan’s training on the lab tests.”

“After getting my test results back, I learned I have Lp(a). Thankfully all of my other risk factors are quite low, but it’s good to know because it’s even more reason to pay close attention to my food and lifestyle choices. I have also added some additional supplements, based on Dr. Alan’s suggested protocol for Lp(a), to further reduce my risk.”

As if this isn’t amazing enough, Kristi has added labs as a resource in her business and is able to earn over $100 per hour simply by helping her clients navigate labs and empowering them to become advocates for their own health.

“On The Very First Day I Shared YourLabwork.Com With My Community, I Had A New Client Call Wanting To Get Labs Done For Herself!”

Extensive studies have identified Lp(a) as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke.  It’s also an inherited genetic pattern, meaning that if a parent has it, there’s a 50% chance they will pass it onto their children. Kristi also found out that despite her healthy lifestyle, she was low in two vital nutrients, Vitamin D and Magnesium. Armed with this important data, she was able to make certain lifestyle adjustments to improve her levels and minimize any potential issues.

She has an entire page on her website devoted to sharing these resources with her clients and she promotes YourLabwork.com as a trusted resource.

She also earns a generous affiliate share on every sale she sends to YourLabwork.com (she locked in the Premium affiiate rate when she took advantage of the Lab Masterclass!

Kristi Said That The Choice To Partner With YourLabwork.Com Was The Perfect One For Her Health Coaching Business And Well Worth The Investment.

“I had some lab training through my health coaching certifications, but felt that I could benefit from having a more in-depth understanding of labs and specifically optimal functional ranges—which most conventional doctors do not provide their patients or even look at.”

She said that the training from Dr. Alan has allowed her to confidently help her clients understand lab tests and prepare them to discuss their lab results with their integrative physician.

“My goal is to empower my clients to change their own health and future. When they see concrete numbers from a lab it is a powerful motivator for making changes.”

Kristi is the epitome of a high-caliber health coach who has taken what we offer and used it to her full advantage to optimize her health and her business.

You can do the same by joining the Lab Masterclass.

Lab & Learn Masterclass

Choose The Best Option For You:

One Payment Of


*Please note that you’ll receive access to the education, cheat sheets, custom landing page, and all education modules only after your payment had successfully posted.

Three Monthly Payments Of


*Please note that you’ll receive access to the education and cheat sheets after the first payment. You will receive custom, custom landing page after the second payment , and your lab requisition following your third payment.

Direct lab testing is available in 46 States

(Arizona, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, and Rhode Island excluded)


Lab Masterclass For Health Coaches

Frequently Asked Questions

 What is the Lab Masterclass for Health Coaches?

This is a program I created to give more health and wellness leaders the opportunity to partner with a leader in the advanced lab testing industry and make a bigger difference in the lives of more clients without having to take a 6-month lab program. With our program, you can learn how to provide your clients with this resource in a way that keeps you completely within your scope of practice and allows you to help your clients get to the root of their health issues. It also gives you the unique opportunity to dig into and optimize your health, experience the direct lab testing process firsthand and learn from your own lab tests at a fraction of the cost (the 60 lab tests you'll get retail for $1,750 and are included with this offer). I firmly believe that the Lab Masterclass allows you to confidently recommend this resource in your business and that your clients will be blown away with the resources you will be able to provide them with to engage their physician on a higher level. This is exactly what this program is designed to accomplish.

How will the Lab Masterclass benefit my health?

I believe that getting a comprehensive lab panel done every few years should be a requirement for every person with a heartbeat! Having access to this data is a POWERFUL way that you can figure out what's really going on inside your body. That's why, with our program, you'll be able to take advantage of our most robust lab panel that includes over 60 lab tests. You'll be tested on the 5 key pillars of aging well - hormones, metabolism, inflammation, cholesterol, and nutrients. You simply register for the program and head over to a local Quest diagnostics draw station for testing. Your results will be delivered to your mailbox within 7-10 days!

How can this program make me a better health coach?

If you want to serve your clients at the highest level, offering this resource is the way to do it. By recommending this resource, you'll set yourself apart in the industry and make a bigger impact on the lives of those who need you.

Isn't this outside of my scope of practice as a health coach?

Not at all! It's very important to us that we keep you within your scope. This is why our training teaches you how to educate your clients to ask the right questions to their physician to achieve a better outcome. Education is power!

I don't feel comfortable if I am paid to direct clients to labs. Is it ethical?

Yes, because you're providing them with a resource in complete transparency. If they don't hear about direct-access lab testing through you, they'll probably hear about it through someone else.

Why would my clients want to purchase lab tests through a direct-access company if they have insurance already?

Due to the rise in insurance costs and deductibles, ordering labs through a direct-access lab testing company like YourLabWork.com is often much more affordable for many consumers. Because we're able to negotiate significantly discounted pricing on lab tests and pass those savings onto consumers, many of our clients actually end of saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars by ordering through us rather than going through their insurance. Not only is it more affordable, it often makes more sense! Insurance will only cover certain lab tests, so physicians don't often order some very important, affordable advanced biomarkers. This, unfortunately, may prevent consumers from getting all of the data they need to make informed decisions about their health. Direct-access lab testing puts the power in the hands of the consumer in a way that was previously unavailable and, as you can tell by the rapid growth of the direct-access lab testing industry, this is the preferred choice amongst many consumers.

How will the Lab Masterclass benefit my business?

The direct-to-consumer lab testing industry is booming and it's just getting started. Every day, more and more consumers are bypassing their physicians and insurance companies to order lab tests and get to the root of their issues. And often, because direct-to-consumer lab testing companies like us are able to negotiate the lowest prices on lab tests, the consumer saves a great deal of money. Unfortunately, there are still SO many people who aren't aware that direct-access lab testing exists so they miss out on the incredible opportunity to optimize their health and often save money doing so. By providing the information and resources contained in the LAB MASTERCLASS to your clients, they will learn the right questions to ask their physicians and you can be an integral part of that process! Not only will you have these added resources to provide your clients, but you will also receive affiliate commissions to help financial support your work.

How does our Lab Masterclass compare to other lab education programs?

This is a great question and one we get asked all of the time. Let's assume we have two health coaches. For the sake of this scenario, we'll name them Amy and Marie. Both of these health coaches want to be able to serve their clients on a deeper level and both realize the important role labs play in allowing them to accomplish this. However, they both pursue different paths. Amy decides to enroll in a certification program that teaches her how to order and interpret labs. She spends a few thousand dollars and invests months of time. Marie decides to take our Lab Masterclass for Health Coaches. She spends $1,999, gets over 60 advanced biomarkers done on herself and completes all 5 educational modules in 2 weeks in her spare time. While Amy is still in her certification program with months upon months left until graduation, Marie has already a YOURLABWORK.com affiliate, sharing this direct access resource with her clients and offering a physician prep package as a service in her health coaching business, earning over $100 per hour preparing questions for her client to ask a provider based on her lab data. And while Amy might have to worry about potential changes in federal regulations and staying within her scope of practice in the future as the result of ordering and interpreting labs, Marie feels safe and confident and is in no way worried about changes in regulations. Marie knows that she's simply a source of education and empowerment for her clients. She can use her knowledge of labs to help her clients transform on a deeper level like she always desired, but she's able to do so in a way that keeps her within her boundaries as a health coach. This is the biggest difference between our program and others.If you want to be more like Amy, then the other programs might be the best fit for you. But if you want to be educated, confident and SAFE like Marie, the Lab Masterclass for Health Coaches is your best bet.

Will I become certified after this program?

After you complete the 5 modules, you will have the opportunity to take our exam and be granted a certification of completion in Advanced Biomarker Testing (ABT). We have had providers contact us asking to work with health coaches who have completed our training. How exciting is that!
Dr. Hopkins’ comprehensive approach to lab testing has been a huge asset to my business as I strive to help health coaches learn the importance of empowering their clients in all facets of health.

Carmen Hunter
Founder, Institute for Functional Health Coaching®


Who Is Dr. Alan Hopkins?

Dr. Alan Hopkins is a graduate of Loma Linda University School of Medicine where he was elected into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society for leadership and academic excellence. He is board-certified in Emergency Medicine and completed an A4M fellowship in Anti-Aging Medicine.

Dr. Hopkins is also the CEO of YourLabwork.com, the leading direct-access lab testing company, as well as an assistant clinical professor at one of the leading medical schools in the nation.

He’s an advocate of innovative medical care and is on the board of directors of several private companies to assist them in developing strategies that are consumer-oriented and patient education-based.
The information on this site does not create a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.
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